Making a novel writing return after a long break can be difficult, so you need to have a plan for how to reconnect to your novel.

Looking for more writing prompts? This prompt comes from An Apple a Day by Caroline Taggart. See what it inspires for you—and me!

Publishing has a tendency to fill writers with doubts, but when it comes to making decisions, you writers HAVE to trust your gut.

When life becomes a lot, sometimes you just have to ride it out. Take a break if you need it, or grab hold and find peace from your storm in your writing.

notebook and pen with text over it reading, Writer Prompts: Develop Your Writing Life, curated by Alli Martin

Looking for more writing prompts? This prompt comes from Complete the Story released by Piccadilly USA Inc. See what it inspires for you—and me!

No daily writer even wants to think the word “burnout.” But sometimes we have to figure out what to do when burned out…

Every writing life could use a little more writing kindness. What can writing kindness look like in your writing process?

notebook and pen with text over it reading, Writer Prompts: Develop Your Writing Life, curated by Alli Martin

Looking for more writing prompts? This prompt comes from The Lover’s Dictionary by David Levithan. See what it inspires for you—and me!

It can be difficult to accept, but struggling to write or writing just a little is still one of the writing modes and is part of the writing process.

Having a separate work space is essential to creating an on/off switch for writing and maintaining a healthy work/life balance.

notebook and pen with text over it reading, Writer Prompts: Develop Your Writing Life, curated by Alli Martin

Looking for more writing prompts? This picture prompt comes from Rory’s Story Cubes. See what it inspires for you—and me!

Mental health and chronic illness are significant blocks to the creative process that can’t be solved by positive thinking alone.