While I edit all genres of prose, I’m most familiar with science fiction, alternate history, fantasy, literary fiction, and memoir. (I may not be the right editor to help you with graphic horror or stories dealing heavily with abuse.) I am comfortable working in markets for adult or young adult.

If you know which service would work best for your manuscript, select it from the drop-down menu on the contact page. If you’re not sure, explain what you hope to get out of an editor, and we’ll discuss which services are best for you.

I’ll review a sample of your manuscript for a test edit to ensure we are a good fit. A sample is 15 pages (or one chapter) for a novella or book-length manuscript. If your manuscript is under 25 pages, no sample is needed.

All manuscripts must be double-spaced and formatted with 1-inch margins and 12-point Times New Roman font.

Planning for down the road? Consider joining my Patreon to start accruing discounted editorial services.


I am a detail-oriented editor who excels at identifying authorial intention and finding ways to strengthen your prose in your voice and reveal and clarify the intention of your story.

You’ll receive a thorough review of your manuscript with clear notes and actionable suggestions.

Because my reviews are so detailed, I typically take more time with your manuscript than many other editors. If you need a quick turn-around, I’m not the right editor for you. If you need a detailed review of your manuscript that will take your writing to the next level, I’m your guy.


contact for a quote

Recommended for: an alternative to developmental editing; reviewing your outline for structure, tightening narrative, improving pacing, condensing or expanding plots and subplots, developing a plan to write your novel

Includes review of your planning materials with summary notes and a follow-up discussion regarding your writing schedule

A half hour Skype, Zoom, or Google conference is recommended to address questions.


Query Letter: $50
1-Page Synopsis: $50
Novel Sample (up to 50 pages): $0.01/word
Query Package (query letter, synopsis, & sample): $225

Recommended for: delivering a powerful and enticing query; crafting a dynamic and engaging synopsis; correcting faulty spelling, grammar, syntax, and punctuation; polishing your writing sample by emphasizing engaging information to hook your reader and tightening language, description, characterization, and dialogue

Flat rate of $50 per query letter.

Includes in-line comments, copy editing, and a second look after you complete revisions.


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Recommended for: improving pacing; tightening language, plot, characterization, and dialogue; ensuring consistency for characterization and world building/setting; filling in missing information for reader comprehension; telling the story you set out to tell

  • Includes extensive in-line comments throughout the manuscript, light copy editing, and a summary form.
    Great for writers who feel confident in their revision process!
  • A 1-hour Skype, Zoom, or Google conference is recommended to address questions following your review of editorial comments.


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Recommended for: polishing a finished manuscript; correcting faulty spelling, grammar, syntax, and punctuation; correcting awkward or incorrect word usage; fixing transposed words or letters; ensuring consistency

Includes in-line edits of major and minor grammatical issues throughout the manuscript, and a summary of common errors.


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Recommended for: initial feedback on an early draft; identifying plot holes and improving pacing, character arcs, and world building; filling in missing information for reader comprehension; identifying areas for revision to strengthen the story you set out to tell

Includes overall and chapter-referenced feedback in a summary form.

A 1-hour Skype, Zoom, or Google conference is recommended to address questions following your review of editorial comments.



Recommended for: brainstorming, planning, or getting a grip on your story or process; or for follow-up after reviewing editorial comments to address questions or discuss revisions

Includes 1-hour conference via Skype, Zoom, or Google
Text-based conferences can be arranged.

Need Something Else?

Contact me and we’ll discuss what editorial services you need and if I’m the best editor to supply them.

All queries and contact for editorial services should be made through the contact page. Make sure to select “Editing” from the drop-down menu as the reason for contact.

Again, if your budget is tight, consider joining my Patreon. Discounted editing services are included at most pledge levels.

I look forward to hearing from you and helping to develop your work.